
Porn from the Public Domain

So if you enjoyed the little dorm-room hijinx of the recent Tales from the Woc, then you'll be glad to know that we will be returning to Everard Dormitory at least a couple more times, and some new faces should be showing off more than just their faces.

However, there's another idea that I've had which I'm itching to try out. Unfortunately, with my penchant for massive, complex projects, I'm a little unsure which route I should take; I know which route I'd like to take, but given that I'd actually like to finish it in a timely fashion, I should really dial it back a bit.

The idea is something I call "Porn from the Public Domain", and it would involve careful, precision machined desecration of the classics of literature by drawing their main characters boning like horny monkeys.

To up the ante though, the artist in me demands that if I'm going to be dealing with classic literature, I should also work in classic artists/styles. And therein lies the main difficulty: making an entire comic, even just 10 pages, in the style of Titian or Dore would be a massive undertaking. So the options would seem to be either lose the artistic imitations, or shorten the length--to the point that it becomes more like a series of detailed pinups than a whole comic. Right now, the latter is the direction I'm leaning, but uncertainty still claws at me like a zombie Heisenberg.

So I'm officially taking suggestions--both in terms of format and content. What say the masses?


Tang Ho said...

Years ago, I was watching 'Disney's Alice In the Wonderland.' on TV. I saw Adult Phone sex service ads during the movies. . .

Leandro said...

This idea is really good, I also thought of doing an erotic parody of some classic, as a small feature. If I can from this month on I'll do a small 5 page feature with Illyria. Don't know about what yet, but a disney style fairy tale porn film would be fuun. The Doré idea is good, but really unpractical. I'd only use something like an engraving effect in photoshop... Anyway I like the idea of a classic approach to porn hehehe. My style would fit, I guess. Maybe something from Shakespeare or Jane Austen?

Anonymous said...

Hmm this would certainly be difficult and I know how you feel. I think the whole comic thing would drive you mad because the artist in you would want to do it right, but you'll also feel limited by the sense of "deadlines". If you are going to go through with it then stick to the pinup thing for sanity sake :)

Cheezy WEAPON said...

ugh. As new as bringing back classic styles are, sexing them up might be tacky. I'd say pick something that's already filled with innuendo and gently mold your style into theirs instead of tacking it on. For example, classic japanese scripts.. a lil Kafka.. and yes, legal-tender Disney's Alice would work too since they're all kinda up for interpretation.

Anonymous said...

I really like the idea myself. Although trying to imitate the style might drive you crazy.

Anonymous said...

Zombie Heisenberg needs to be a T-shirt. Seriously, I'm going to steal it if you don't do something with it.

Anonymous said...

classic styles are filled with innudendo as it is, no fowl.

Google Franz von Bayros or aubrey beardsley, sexy art that stems from a classical influence, but is still simple linework. Good stuff.