
Speaking of what women want...

I've been contemplating a few things recently and would like to share some ideas!

This is in lieu of the previous post about more "Male" pinups and such. As I've been toiling away on two short stories (traditionally inked + Marker mind you! FULL COLOR YESSSS) I've been wondering if making one that was more focused on the male, would be more acceptable!

I see a lot of hentai/comics/porn that specifically shows more of the female's expression. Now...would it be strange if I were to do a few short stories that, say, flipped that around? Make the focus on the guy? Would a full on Yaoi story be taking it too far? threesome with male/male/female? I know a general consensus is 'no' on the gay (I think), but...well... we sure have a lot of lesbians. And I like them as much as the next gal (pleasing to the eye, fun to draw and all that) but would I be allowed to balance this out with the other gender? How about a tentical+guy story? Any other suggestions are completely welcome. I'm totally willing to draw the other side of it all, I was just under the impression that it was kind of a "Nono". And I wanna give the girl members something to fap over too! (Although I'm sure they do that already <3 )

And I'd be ALL for male-ey pinups :D human, dragon-dudes, or otherwise. That and cute/fluffy couple-shots for bannermaking.


WocGirl said...

I too have found it odd that males can never seem to take the spotlight in porn. I think it's definitely worth experimenting with.

With the extremely limited M/M action that we have shown, however, there wasn't really any vocal opposition, and actually some good support for it. I'd wager that full yaoi wouldn't go over all that badly, but you might want to start off with an MMF threesome first just to ease into it, so to speak.

Aeridus said...
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Aeridus said...

Yaoi, MMF threesomes, male tentacle-raped by a female tentacle monster, all are fair game. :D

Cheezy WEAPON said...

I'll take all of thee above and more if possible. <3

Anonymous said...

MMF threesomes and guy on guy I'm good for, but I'm not into the tentacle monster thing

koalabear said...

luckypan, i am all for all of them!

a full on yaoi story would just be awesome!

momo said...

the internet loves traps, right? right??

traps + femdom = WIN? :9

Luckypan said...

@Woc - Thanks! I think I will go ahead with the MMF idea sometime soon to sort of ease into the idea a bit more. I know Linburger cracked the door already! So I can at least try and follow up that fun little scenario with my own.


Deino said...

Maybe in some of your current projects you can make some 'specials' from male characters points of view? It would be like practice for future completely new projects where men are your central focus.

Or you can make more "Manly" comics... god, I laugh so hard with that one.

@$$ said...

About 4 or 5 years ago I abandoned my first comic on Slipshine. It was a Yu-Gi-Oh parody. My plans for the second chapter was to introduce the "Kaiba" and "Mokuba" characters. In my story, "Kaiba's" little brother is a trap and they have incestuous relations.

When I asked what people thought of that idea at the time, the artists and subscribers puked up buckets of blood and Josh had to hit me like 5 or 6 times with a really really heavy hammer.

It hurt. ;__;

Later, Josh started hiring girls to draw porn.

And now everyone on slipshine is hungry for cocks.

I say go for it.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, you don't have to go crazy with any of it. I'd be plenty happy with more M/F over all the F/F. Personally, I kinda prefer a female in the mix rather than a full blown penis party.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for tentacle sex--girl, guy, whatever--as long as it's consensual.

Sirkowski said...

@$$ was ahead of his time.

Anonymous said...

Go for it. Women will love porn like that. It's kinda why gay porn is so popular with women, because the guy's body is shown as being really erotic. In straight porn that doesn't happen lol

Anonymous said...

Gay porn! Gay porn! Gay porn! Gay porn!

^__^ Seriously though, I'd love to see some. MMF would be cool too. Or even a nice little male masturbation story would be hot. Well, to me anyway. Ha. I'd like to see a male teacher/male student story. :D We need more hot guys though!

Of course, I really like our hot chicks. Like a lot. Yum!